Gollum Quotes: Unveiling the Mind of Middle Earth’s Troubled Creature

Discover the intricate and haunting world of Gollum through his most memorable quotes from J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic tales. Gollum, a character of profound complexity, embodies the struggle between good and evil, obsession, and redemption. His dialogue provides a glimpse into his fractured psyche and the intense conflict that defines his existence.

This collection of quotes reflects his turbulent relationship with the One Ring, his dual personality, and the darker themes that permeate his character. Dive into the essence of Middle-earth’s troubled creature with these revealing and iconic lines.

Gollum’s Obsession with the Ring

  1. “Gollum: My precious… I want it!”
    Highlights Gollum’s intense and consuming desire for the One Ring, which defines his existence.
  2. “Gollum: It’s ours, it is, and we want it!”
    Reflects Gollum’s possessive nature and the ring’s grip on his psyche.
  3. “Gollum: The precious will be ours!”
    Shows Gollum’s unwavering belief in his eventual possession of the ring.
  4. “Gollum: It’s ours, and we’ll never let it go!”
    Emphasizes the ring’s dominance over Gollum’s mind and his refusal to part with it.
  5. “Gollum: We must take it, precious, we must!”
    Reveals the obsessive compulsion driving Gollum’s actions.
  6. “Gollum: No one is ever going to take it from us!”
    Expresses Gollum’s defensive and protective stance towards the ring.
  7. “Gollum: We needs it. We needs it!”
    Highlights the deep, almost primal need Gollum has for the ring.
  8. “Gollum: It’s ours forever, precious. We’ll never lose it.”
    Shows Gollum’s delusional certainty about his control over the ring.
  9. “Gollum: They’ll never take it from us, precious.”
    Reflects his paranoia and fear of losing the ring.
  10. “Gollum: We’re the only ones who can have it!”
    Illustrates his belief that the ring is exclusively his and only his.

The Split Personality of Gollum

  1. “Gollum: We hates it, we hates it forever!”
    Demonstrates the anger and resentment Gollum feels towards those who challenge him.
  2. “Gollum: Yes, precious, we are so hungry!”
    Reveals the contrasting nature of Gollum’s personalities, one pleading and the other sinister.
  3. “Gollum: We can’t trust them, precious, we can’t!”
    Highlights the distrust and paranoia in Gollum’s character.
  4. “Gollum: Sméagol is good, but Gollum is strong.”
    Reflects the internal conflict between his original self and his corrupted alter ego.
  5. “Gollum: We must be careful, precious, they’re watching us!”
    Shows the cautious and suspicious side of Gollum’s nature.
  6. “Gollum: Sméagol is weak, but Gollum is strong!”
    Illustrates the internal struggle between his vulnerable and dominant personalities.
  7. “Gollum: Gollum doesn’t want to hurt anyone, no, not at all!”
    Reveals the split between Gollum’s malicious side and his occasional guilt.
  8. “Gollum: Sméagol wants to be free, but Gollum wants the precious!”
    Highlights the conflict between his desire for redemption and his obsession.
  9. “Gollum: We must hide, precious, they’re coming for us!”
    Shows the fear and paranoia driving Gollum’s behavior.
  10. “Gollum: Sméagol is gone, lost to the darkness.”
    Reflects the sense of loss and resignation Gollum feels about his former self.

Gollum’s Manipulative Nature

  1. “Gollum: We’ll be nice to you, yes, we will.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s deceptive charm and ability to manipulate others.
  2. “Gollum: We don’t want to hurt you, no, not at all.”
    Reflects Gollum’s attempts to appear benign while harboring darker intentions.
  3. “Gollum: We can help you, precious, if you help us!”
    Shows Gollum’s manipulative tactic of offering assistance for his gain.
  4. “Gollum: You’ll regret this, precious, if you don’t listen to us!”
    Highlights Gollum’s threat to coerce compliance from others.
  5. “Gollum: We knows a way to help you, but it’ll cost you.”
    Reveals Gollum’s strategy of bargaining and deception.
  6. “Gollum: If you help us, we’ll make it worth your while.”
    Shows Gollum’s use of false promises to achieve his goals.
  7. “Gollum: We don’t mean any harm, just give us what we want.”
    Reflects Gollum’s duplicitous nature and hidden agendas.
  8. “Gollum: We’ll be friends, yes, but only if you do as we say.”
    Illustrates Gollum’s conditional approach to relationships.
  9. “Gollum: Help us, and we’ll help you, precious.”
    Highlights Gollum’s manipulative offer framed as mutual assistance.
  10. “Gollum: We’ll make a deal, and everyone will be happy.”
    Reveals Gollum’s strategy of using deals to manipulate outcomes.
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Gollum’s Vulnerability and Desperation

  1. “Gollum: I’m so hungry, precious, so very hungry!”
    Highlights Gollum’s physical and emotional desperation.
  2. “Gollum: We’re lost, precious, lost and alone.”
    Reflects Gollum’s feelings of isolation and despair.
  3. “Gollum: We needs help, precious, but we’re too weak.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s acknowledgment of his own vulnerability.
  4. “Gollum: I don’t know what to do, precious. I’m scared.”
    Shows Gollum’s fear and uncertainty about his situation.
  5. “Gollum: We can’t go on like this, precious. We’re fading away.”
    Reflects Gollum’s awareness of his deteriorating condition.
  6. “Gollum: Please, precious, we need to find a way out.”
    Highlights Gollum’s plea for escape from his dire circumstances.
  7. “Gollum: We’re so tired, precious. So very tired.”
    Shows Gollum’s physical and emotional exhaustion.
  8. “Gollum: I don’t know how much longer we can last.”
    Reveals Gollum’s concern about his endurance and survival.
  9. “Gollum: We’re alone, precious, and there’s no one to help us.”
    Reflects Gollum’s deep sense of abandonment and loneliness.
  10. “Gollum: I’m afraid, precious. I don’t want to be alone.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s fear of isolation and his desperation for companionship.

 Gollum’s Deceptive Schemes

  1. “Gollum: We must trick them, precious. It’s the only way.”
    Highlights Gollum’s tendency to resort to deceit to achieve his goals.
  2. “Gollum: Let’s lead them astray, precious. It’ll be fun!”
    Reflects Gollum’s enjoyment in manipulating and deceiving others.
  3. “Gollum: We’ll deceive them, yes, and they’ll never suspect us.”
    Shows Gollum’s confidence in his ability to outwit others.
  4. “Gollum: We’ll play a game, precious, and they’ll fall for it.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s use of games and tricks to manipulate situations.
  5. “Gollum: They won’t see it coming, precious. We’re clever.”
    Reflects Gollum’s self-assuredness in his deceptive strategies.
  6. “Gollum: We’ll make them think we’re friendly, and then strike.”
    Highlights Gollum’s deceptive tactics of feigned friendliness.
  7. “Gollum: It’s all a trick, precious, to get what we want.”
    Shows Gollum’s cunning use of deceit to manipulate others.
  8. “Gollum: We’ll confuse them, precious, and they’ll be lost.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s intent to use confusion as a tool for manipulation.
  9. “Gollum: They’ll be fooled by our tricks, precious. Just wait and see.”
    Emphasizes Gollum’s confidence in his ability to deceive.
  10. “Gollum: We can make them believe anything we want.”
    Reflects Gollum’s manipulative prowess and control over perceptions.

Gollum’s Reflections on His Past

  1. “Gollum: I was once Sméagol, precious. I was happy once.”
    Reveals Gollum’s nostalgic longing for his past life before the ring’s corruption.
  2. “Gollum: I remember a time when I was not so lost.”
    Highlights Gollum’s regret and longing for his lost innocence.
  3. “Gollum: Sméagol had friends, precious, but now he has none.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s sense of isolation and loss of past relationships.
  4. “Gollum: I used to be kind, precious, before it all changed.”
    Shows Gollum’s reflection on how the ring altered his character.
  5. “Gollum: Sméagol was happy, but now Gollum is all that remains.”
    Highlights the stark contrast between Gollum’s past and present self.
  6. “Gollum: I remember when I had a family, precious. Now I am alone.”
    Reflects Gollum’s deep sense of loneliness and loss.
  7. “Gollum: Sméagol’s life was full once, before the precious took it all.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s regret over how the ring consumed his life.
  8. “Gollum: I was once a different creature, precious, before the dark took me.”
    Shows Gollum’s reflection on his transformation due to the ring.
  9. “Gollum: I miss the days when I was free, not bound by the ring.”
    Highlights Gollum’s yearning for freedom from his current state.
  10. “Gollum: Sméagol was happy, but Gollum is lost and broken.”
    Reflects the tragic difference between Gollum’s former self and his current state.
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Gollum’s Struggle for Redemption

  1. “Gollum: Sméagol wants to be good again, precious. He wants to change.”
    Shows Gollum’s desire for redemption and transformation.
  2. “Gollum: We can be better, precious. We can fix what we’ve done.”
    Highlights Gollum’s hope for personal improvement and atonement.
  3. “Gollum: If we could only be free from the precious, we could be good.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s belief that freedom from the ring could lead to redemption.
  4. “Gollum: I wish Sméagol could come back, precious. I want to be him again.”
    Reflects Gollum’s longing to return to his former, more innocent self.
  5. “Gollum: We’re trying, precious. We’re trying to be better.”
    Shows Gollum’s ongoing struggle and efforts towards redemption.
  6. “Gollum: We can make amends, precious. It’s not too late.”
    Highlights Gollum’s belief that he can still redeem himself.
  7. “Gollum: I want to be free of this darkness, precious. I want peace.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s yearning for liberation from his inner turmoil.
  8. “Gollum: Sméagol’s heart is still good, precious, despite everything.”
    Reflects Gollum’s hope that some goodness remains within him.
  9. “Gollum: We’ve done wrong, but we can still change, precious.”
    Shows Gollum’s conviction that he can still alter his path for the better.
  10. “Gollum: I want to find redemption, precious, and be forgiven.”
    Highlights Gollum’s desire for forgiveness and a chance at redemption.

Gollum’s Insights on Power and Corruption

  1. “Gollum: Power corrupts, precious. We know it well.”
    Reflects Gollum’s understanding of the corrupting influence of power, especially through the ring.
  2. “Gollum: The precious is power, and power corrupts all who touch it.”
    Highlights Gollum’s view on the inherent corruption of the ring.
  3. “Gollum: We’ve seen what power can do, precious. It’s all-consuming.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s awareness of the ring’s ability to consume and corrupt.
  4. “Gollum: The more you have, the more it takes. That’s the nature of power.”
    Shows Gollum’s insight into the insatiable nature of power and greed.
  5. “Gollum: Power changes you, precious. It makes you into something else.”
    Reflects Gollum’s personal experience of transformation due to the ring’s power.
  6. “Gollum: We’ve been corrupted by the precious. We can’t escape it.”
    Highlights Gollum’s resignation to the corrupting influence of the ring.
  7. “Gollum: Power is a dark thing, precious. It twists and turns the soul.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s recognition of the soul-destroying nature of power.
  8. “Gollum: Once you have power, it’s hard to let go, precious.”
    Shows Gollum’s understanding of the addictive nature of power.
  9. “Gollum: The precious is a curse, not a gift. It corrupts everything it touches.”
    Reflects Gollum’s view of the ring as a malevolent force.
  10. “Gollum: Power has ruined us, precious. We’re beyond saving.”
    Highlights Gollum’s belief that the damage done by the ring is irreversible.
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Gollum’s Perception of Others

  1. “Gollum: They don’t understand us, precious. They can’t.”
    Shows Gollum’s belief that others cannot grasp his true nature and struggles.
  2. “Gollum: They think they can take the precious from us. They’re wrong.”
    Reflects Gollum’s contempt for those who underestimate his attachment to the ring.
  3. “Gollum: They’ll never know what it’s like, precious. They’re too pure.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s view that others lack the experience to understand his plight.
  4. “Gollum: They’re fools to challenge us, precious. They don’t see the danger.”
    Highlights Gollum’s contempt for those who oppose him without understanding the stakes.
  5. “Gollum: They think they know what’s best, but they’re blinded by their own desires.”
    Reflects Gollum’s perception of others as misguided and self-serving.
  6. “Gollum: They think they’re better than us, precious. They don’t see their own flaws.”
    Shows Gollum’s criticism of others for their perceived arrogance and lack of self-awareness.
  7. “Gollum: They’re just pawns in a game they don’t understand.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s view of others as insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
  8. “Gollum: They don’t see the truth of the precious. They only see what they want.”
    Highlights Gollum’s belief that others are blinded by their own perspectives.
  9. “Gollum: They judge us without knowing us, precious. It’s not fair.”
    Reflects Gollum’s frustration with being misunderstood and judged.
  10. “Gollum: They’re all the same, precious. They only care for themselves.”
    Shows Gollum’s cynical view of people as self-centered and unempathetic.

Gollum’s Moments of Madness

  1. “Gollum: We’re losing it, precious. We’re losing our minds!”
    Highlights Gollum’s acknowledgment of his deteriorating mental state.
  2. “Gollum: The voices, precious. They’re too loud, too many.”
    Reflects Gollum’s struggle with the internal voices that torment him.
  3. “Gollum: We’re going mad, precious. We’re not who we used to be.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s realization of his mental unraveling.
  4. “Gollum: The darkness is taking over, precious. We can’t escape it.”
    Shows Gollum’s despair over the encroaching darkness in his mind.
  5. “Gollum: We’re losing control, precious. We can’t hold on much longer.”
    Reflects Gollum’s sense of impending loss of control over himself.
  6. “Gollum: The precious is driving us mad, precious. We can’t think straight.”
    Highlights Gollum’s acknowledgment of the ring’s role in his madness.
  7. “Gollum: We’re becoming something else, precious. Something horrible.”
    Demonstrates Gollum’s fear of his own transformation into a monster.
  8. “Gollum: The voices won’t stop, precious. They’re driving us insane.”
    Shows Gollum’s torment from the incessant voices in his head.
  9. “Gollum: We’re slipping away, precious. The madness is consuming us.”
    Reflects Gollum’s fear of losing himself to madness.
  10. “Gollum: The darkness has won, precious. We’re lost forever.”
    Highlights Gollum’s resignation to his fate of eternal darkness and madness.

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